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Sunday, June 26, 2011


June 26th, 2011

I don’t really know exactly what it is about animals that make me love them so very much. All I know is that I have had many dogs, cats, horses, a burro, a sheep and rabbits.
When I was a child animals were my best friends. I lived a difficult childhood and my father was very strict. He prohibited me from having “friends” but I made them on my own with the animals in my life.
When I lived in Oklahoma earlier this year I didn’t have my dog with me. Her name is Jamaica. I found her out in front of where I worked about 5 years ago. This cute little puppy that just had to give kisses. She is also kind of an odd looking dog. I had never seen a dog like her before. I learned later that she is a Papillion Chihuahua. She has the sweetest face. When I cry she always tries to lick all the tears away.
She has been my companion through thick and thin these last 5 years. When I didn’t have her near I missed her just as much as I did my kids. When she finally saw me again it was right back to being attached to my hip, so to speak. She really didn’t seem to notice that I had been gone for nearly a year. It seemed like to her, I was here yesterday and back today. She sleeps with me every night cuddled up in my arms. She is the sweetest Dog I have ever had. My daughter named her Jamaica, something to do with a Bratz movie she was watching at the time. But, the name suits her or maybe she became the name. Animal’s personalities are often so unique and special.
I think sometimes about how much I will miss her when she is gone. I often think of kind of weird things, like “should I have her stuffed?” or maybe cremated and wear her ashes in a vile around my neck. I suppose all people really love their pets. Maybe it’s not so kooky to keep a part of her with me always.
For now we just enjoy each other’s company. We sit together, eat together and she is always at my feet when I am working on my writing. I will enjoy her company for as long as I can and never forget her when she is gone.


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